Summer Wedding Tips That You May Not Have Thought Of

summer wedding tips

Photographer: Niyah Belle

Your bride has been planning this wedding her entire life. She knows how to look her best and stay that way on her wedding day, even in the middle of a hot summer. The groom, however, might need a little more help.

Saying “I do” under an open sky during the warm summer months is incredibly romantic and fun for everyone, but it can also lend to some undesirable effects, like sunburns and sweaty armpits. Grooms and groomsmen alike will stay cool, calm, and collected with these summer wedding tips.


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!  

Your wedding day is all-encompassing and you’ll be pulled in every direction as everyone from the photographer to your distant relative demanding your attention. You’ll be getting groomed, posing for photos, and dancing the night away. Weddings are a non-stop train ride of events. It isn’t rare for the groom to forget to eat and stay hydrated pre-ceremony. Be sure to have a bottle of water on hand at all times. And if you’re enjoying some celebratory cocktails or cold beers before the big moment, have a glass of water in between drinks. It’ll help keep you sober and hydrated and will help you pace yourself.

Cool as a Cucumber 

Summer weddings are beautiful because of the variety of romantic wedding venue options. An outdoor summer wedding says fresh and fun, but it can also mean sweating through your shirt! Whether you're reciting your vows on the top of a mountain or in your family’s backyard, don’t forget the antiperspirant. And make sure you and the groomsmen are getting spruced up before the ceremony in a cool, air-conditioned room. That way you're not idling up to the aisle with embarrassing sweat marks.

Don’t Get Burned 

Chances are you won’t be allowed to don your favorite baseball cap to keep the sun out of your face. Sunburn can really ruin the day after your wedding when you’re still busy entertaining out-of-towners. And nobody wants to wake up to their new spouse with a sunburn on their face. Weddings festivities often continue the day after with friends so make sure you’re comfortable and ready for pictures - without a sunburnt face.

Hook up Your Groomsmen!  

Make a survival kit for you and your groomsmen with sunscreen, a pocket square for blotting sweat before walking down the aisle, a travel size stick of deodorant, a bottle of water, a pair of sunglasses, and perhaps even a few body wipes. Have the kits on you pre-ceremony, and then stash them somewhere out of the way but easily accessible for after the ceremony. This little tiny detail will save your wedding party. 

Beware of Finger Swelling

When it comes time for the bride to slip your shiny new wedding band on your ring finger, be prepared for it to feel tighter than when you first tried it on. Heat and nerves can cause your fingers to swell. Don’t sweat it though - just give your bride a little nudge to help it slide into place. Pro tip: Order a Hitched home try-on to help you find a wedding band in the proper size.


Staying cool and hydrated during your summer wedding shouldn’t be hard work. By putting some essential things in place pre-ceremony, you’ll ensure you’re not passing out or approaching your bride with sweaty circles under your arms or stinking with body odor. Set things up early for success. Your bride and your groomsmen will appreciate it and so will you.